House Painting Vancouver Washington
Interior Painting
If lately, you’ve been asking yourself “are there any house painters near me?”, then it means that you’re definitely not planning on trying to do it on your own! In actuality, that’s a wonderful decision, because it’s good when you are honest and can clearly recognize when your interior painting is a job that’s better suited for a professional.
Still, there will always be those do-it-yourselfers who like doing home projects on their own, and sometimes simply let pride get in the way of having the job done correctly. That being said, you should always acquire professional house painters in Vancouver to execute the job to perfection.
As professional painters with many years of experience in doing wonderful paint jobs for the residents of Vancouver, we can tell you first hand that one of the main mistakes that many folks make when attempting to do their own interior painting is improperly preparing the surface. Many times, they don’t have the patience to clean the surface of the walls, and what ends up happening is the paint job simply doesn’t come out as smoothly finished and professional-looking as they had previously thought it would.
Professional painters will also make sure that other things besides dirt and debris (such as old peeling paint) are cleared from the surface before proceeding with the job. We always deeply examine the actual quality of the interior surface that we are preparing to paint within your residence.

For example, a lot of homeowners don’t take into consideration that they may be getting ready to apply a layer of paint onto a bad surface such as wood that is too rotted. Again, eagerness and impatience are the main culprits that contribute to this mistake, and there have been a number of painting jobs that we’ve been hired for as seasoned painters in Vancouver WA that have previously been attempted by the homeowner or resident that we actually had to undo, and do over again.
It’s not something that we aren’t used to. And, by the time we finish redoing that residential painting that the homeowner had previously attempted, they will see the extreme difference in what a truly professional painting job is versus what they did before. It is also not uncommon for them to ask us to proceed with moving on to other spaces within the residence, rooms that they were probably also planning on trying to do themselves.
If there is a surface that is improper to apply paint to, then what we will do is inform you of that fact, and take steps to properly prepare that wall on the interior of your home. Sometimes, there are things like embedded nails within the interior walls, and we almost always have to seal wall tears before applying paint.
There are also sometimes damaged corners that need to be filled, issues with glue spots, and other things that could make the final paint job look bad because the wall was not really fit to be painted.
Exterior Painting
As with the interior, there are also several mistakes that are made by do-it-yourselves when it comes to residential exterior painting in Vancouver Washington. For instance, when doing outdoor painting, they will many times pick the wrong kind of paint, thinking that they are all the same. They couldn’t be more wrong.
Another problem that they run into much of the time is not predetermining the correct amount of paint for that outdoor project. What ends up happening is in the middle of the job they end up stopping and running out to grab more paint multiple times, which wastes a lot of time, and is why it seems to takes forever for them to finish versus if they had called professional house painters who could have very likely gotten that very large job done in just a day or so.
One of the other mistakes that we’ve seen a lot is unskilled painters using the wrong technique when actually applying the paint. This is one that we’ve had to undo and redo hundreds of times for homeowners who had previously attempted the job on their own.
Do-it-yourselves have a tendency to over dump their brushes, for example, which makes a job look messy and tacky at its completion. It’s really noticeable, especially when they do an exterior painting of something like a garage door that can be seen by neighbors and passers-by.

There have also been some instances where we will present a homeowner with pictures that show the difference between a professional paint job and one that’s done by someone who is less skilled at the trade. In those pictures, a lot of times what we will show them is an example of what happens when a novice painter does what is called over brushing. In our experience, this happens a lot when a person is attempting to paint wood surfaces, and what we almost always see is a very noticeable stripy, ribbed finish, which is not very eye-pleasing.
Preparation is also a huge mistake that folks make when painting the exterior of the residence. As with interior painting, when you are doing painting outdoors it’s even more of a necessity that you take the time to properly clean the wall of dirt and debris.
It’s a simple rule that we are always so surprised that novice painters overlook. Of course, outdoor surfaces will require a lot more attention to pre-cleaning, and the elements will also require the prepping to be much more intense than doing bedrooms, kitchens, or other indoor spaces.
When we are preparing to do your free estimate, we will take a look at all of the spaces that you want our professional painting experts to make look fresh and new again. After this examination of both your interior and exterior spaces, we’ll assist you in finding exactly the right color (another mistake that do-it-yourself make but don’t realize until after the fact), along with the best days and times to come by and proceed with your much needed residential painting in Vancouver, Washington.