6 Things to Consider How to Choose Interior Paint

how to choose interior paint

Painting your home can be a daunting task, even if you plan on handing the job off to professionals.

In addition to being expensive, it’s time-consuming because there are so many things to consider when planning on painting your home.

Painting a house is a job that is done every 3 to 4 years and so make sure the job is done well so that you don’t have to worry about painting the house until the time is right.

To do this, you need to get the best interior paint and not cut costs by buying inferior paint.


Here are top 6 Things to Consider How to Choose Interior Paint


Room size


If you have a small room and want to make it look bigger, choose lighter shades of whatever color you choose as lighter colors open up the room, reflect more light and actually make the room look bigger. On the other hand, darker colors can make a room look smaller.

If you have an older home with exceptionally high ceilings, or just have a monstrous bedroom, you may want to go for darker colors to make it appear smaller.




The lighter the colour used, the larger the appearance of the room. This is one of the reasons why white is used as the standard in many apartment complexes.

Not only does it seem to get bigger, but it also goes with almost any colour. However, the use of creativity and style often requires avoiding white.

The hue can affect its occupants. Soft colours like green or light blue have a calming effect.


Colour Choice


The new colour choice must take into account the tone and colour of the furniture. Window and carpet treatments should also match walls and furniture if possible.

The trim around windows and doors can be the same colour as the rest of the room or an accent tone. The end colour can be the same as the accent wall or ceiling colour.

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One of the unique looks a new paint project can bring is texture.

The texture can be applied to walls and ceiling before the final painting. Another possibility is structured painting techniques on walls and ceilings.

This is particularly useful for walls with minor damage and bumps that would otherwise be very noticeable on a flat surface. Edges can be coordinated with the surface structure.


Incoming Light


Limiting choices to a specific colour family is a good start, but that’s not all.

There are almost infinite shades of each base colour, and some differ drastically while others are barely noticeable. Estimating the amount of natural light available and how it affects the room at different times of the day can help you decide on the perfect shade of your favourite colour.

Many people are surprised to see how the same colour looks different in the morning than in the afternoon sun.



just follow what is good for you. If you find a colour that you love and that doesn’t go with the advice in decor magazines or even this article, then move on.

This is the great advantage of painting. If you finish the room and find that you don’t love it the way you thought, there is always time to repaint it!